Kirkcaldy 01592 263455 | Glenrothes 01592 757114 | Leven 01333 429320

Tenancy Deposits: Landlord’s money?

Are you a Landlord?  Do you know the valid deductions from the Tenancy Deposit to cover repairs and/or outstanding rent arrears?   There are a number of myths and questions surrounding private tenancies.  It is our intention to tackle some of these in a series to follow on from this post. Today we look at [...]

By |2022-02-22T14:24:26+00:00March 2nd, 2019|Business Legal Services, Personal Legal Services|Comments Off on Tenancy Deposits: Landlord’s money?

Leasing – Verbal Agreements

Private Tenancy Agreements Q. Do I need to give my tenant(s) a written agreement or is a verbal agreement alright? A. Prior to December 2017 a verbal agreement may have been legally binding but we would always strongly recommended that a written agreement be put in place. As of December 2017 all new tenancies must [...]

By |2021-12-22T13:35:53+00:00July 9th, 2018|Business Legal Services, Personal Legal Services|Comments Off on Leasing – Verbal Agreements

Leasing – Notice Period

Private Rented Tenancy Agreement – How much notice is required? It’s been over 6 months since the new PRTA (Private Rented Tenancy Agreement) commenced. Since then, a question which seems to be cropping up a lot is: Do I have to give tenants 84 days notice to leave the property? Yes, if your tenancy started [...]

By |2021-12-22T13:41:17+00:00July 3rd, 2018|Business Legal Services, Personal Legal Services|Comments Off on Leasing – Notice Period

Landlord Registration

Are you a Landlord?  Are you registered? Today in our series we are looking at Landlord Registration. Prior to letting out your property, you must be a registered Landlord. You need to apply to the Local Authority where your rental property is situated and pay the appropriate fee for registration. The Local Authority request your name [...]

By |2022-02-22T14:24:27+00:00March 27th, 2018|Business Legal Services, Personal Legal Services|Comments Off on Landlord Registration

Calling all Landlords…Are you complying with new legislation?

Are you complying with new legislation? Landlords should be aware of potential fines and repercussions of non-compliance with the rules! The law in relation to residential tenancies has changed significantly in recent years and here are just a few examples:- Landlords need to obtain an Energy Performance Certificate for each property. All Landlords need to be registered with the [...]

By |2022-02-22T14:24:27+00:00March 12th, 2018|Business Legal Services, Personal Legal Services|Comments Off on Calling all Landlords…Are you complying with new legislation?



Address: 95 – 99 Esplanade
Kirkcaldy, KY1 1RF
Tel:  01592 263455
Fax: 01592 200069


Address: 14 North Street
Glenrothes, KY7 5NA
Tel:  01592 757114
Fax: 01592 765607


Address: 5-7 Commercial Road
Leven, KY8 4LE
DX 560885 LEVEN
Tel:  01333 429320
Fax: 01333 424973