Kirkcaldy 01592 263455 | Glenrothes 01592 757114 | Leven 01333 429320

Brexit: An Update for EU Citizens

Brexit: An update for EU Citizens   The UK and the EU have now reached agreement on what EU Citizens living in the UK can expect after Brexit.   EU citizens currently in the UK When the UK leave the EU on 29 March 2016 it has been agreed that if you are an EU [...]

By |2022-02-22T14:24:27+00:00April 6th, 2019|Business Legal Services, Personal Legal Services|Comments Off on Brexit: An Update for EU Citizens

Immigration – British Citizenship

Immigration – British Citizenship How do you Naturalise as a British Citizen? You are over 18. You intend to continue living in the UK. You have had continued lawful residence in the UK for the prescribed time period. You have had indefinite leave to remain for 1 year. You meet the English Language Test and [...]

By |2021-12-22T13:33:37+00:00August 14th, 2018|Business Legal Services, Personal Legal Services|Comments Off on Immigration – British Citizenship

Immigration – Indefinite Leave to Remain

Immigration – Indefinite Leave to Remain Once your spouse has been in the UK for five years they may be able to apply for indefinite leave to remain. By now you will already have been through the process of applying for entry clearance and leave to remain. The evidence you require for Indefinite Leave to [...]

By |2021-12-22T13:38:37+00:00July 5th, 2018|Business Legal Services, Personal Legal Services|Comments Off on Immigration – Indefinite Leave to Remain

Immigration – Right to Remain

Immigration – Leave to Remain – Spouse So, you’re now married – Congratulations! If you’re planning on living in the UK, you need to check when your spouse Visa expires.  If you had a fiancé(e) Visa you would have normally been given 6 months to allow you to come to the UK, plan your wedding [...]

By |2022-02-22T14:24:27+00:00May 1st, 2018|Business Legal Services, Personal Legal Services|Comments Off on Immigration – Right to Remain

Immigration – Entry Clearance

Immigration - Entry Clearance – Fiancé(e) Visa Meeting someone on holiday, or online, when they live abroad can mean the potential for a long-distance relationship. However, at some point relationships develop, marriage becomes a possibility and a decision needs to be made about where to marry and more importantly, where to live. If you decide [...]

By |2022-02-22T14:24:27+00:00March 30th, 2018|Business Legal Services, Personal Legal Services|Comments Off on Immigration – Entry Clearance



Address: 95 – 99 Esplanade
Kirkcaldy, KY1 1RF
Tel:  01592 263455
Fax: 01592 200069


Address: 14 North Street
Glenrothes, KY7 5NA
Tel:  01592 757114
Fax: 01592 765607


Address: 5-7 Commercial Road
Leven, KY8 4LE
DX 560885 LEVEN
Tel:  01333 429320
Fax: 01333 424973